- Details
- Published: January 29, 2021
IRZ e. V. (German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation)
Postal address
Postfach 200409, D-53134 Bonn
Street address
Ubierstraße 92, D-53173 Bonn
Telephone: +49-228-9555-0
Telefax: +49-228-9555-100
Entry in the Register of Associations under no.: VR 6349 at the District Court of Bonn, VAT ID no.: DE 812519893
Individually authorised to represent:
- Alexandra Albrecht, General Director, address as above
- Dr Stefan Hülshörster, Director, address as above
Responsible for content: Alexandra Albrecht, General Director, Dr Stefan Hülshörster, Director, address as above.
Note on the content provided
The content provided on this website and, in particular, the translated legal texts are for information purposes only. The content does not constitute legal advice, nor does it claim to be correct or complete. No legal claims can be asserted with respect to the provision of the translated legal texts, even if the translations were made to the best of our knowledge.
For organisational reasons, the operators of this website can assume no liability at any time for the completeness, topicality and correctness of the content and the translated legal texts.
The translations of the texts on the website and the annual report have been produced by the automatic translation service ‘DeepL-Pro’ since May 2024. IRZ checks the translations but does not guarantee their completeness or accuracy and accepts no liability for any errors.
Note on the problem of external cross-references
As a content provider, the IRZ is responsible for its "own content", which it makes available for use in accordance with the general legislation. A distinction must be made between “own content” and cross-references ("links") to content made available by other providers. The IRZ makes "third-party content" available for use via the cross-reference. The IRZ is only responsible for this third-party content if it has specific knowledge of such content (i.e. also of illegal or punishable content) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for the IRZ to prevent the use of such.
However, cross-references are always "living" (dynamic) references. When the link was first created, the IRZ checked the external content to ascertain if it could incur any civil or criminal liability for the IRZ. However, under the law, the IRZ is under no obligation to constantly check the content to which it refers in its offering to assess if any changes to such incur a new liability for the IRZ. Only if the IRZ ascertains or is notified by external parties that a specific offering for which it has provided a cross-reference would incur civil or criminal liability, it will remove the reference to such, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable for the IRZ.
Copyright notice
All the content on this website, in particular texts, photographs and graphics, are protected by copyright. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the owner of the copyright is the IRZ. Please send us a request if you would like to use the content of this website.
Any persons who infringe any copyright (e.g. copies the content onto their own website without permission) is liable to prosecution under § 106 et seq. of the Copyright Act. The individual will also receive a warning which will incur a fee and the payment of damages. Copies of content are easy to track on the Internet.