Training films
IRZ film “Vista 2020”:
IRZ has produced its first film, adding a new medium to expand its teaching materials. This realignment was made possible by a donation from the publishing house C.H. Beck. With a running time of 45 minutes, the film portrays negotiations in an imaginary commercial law case based on the UN Sales Convention. It illustrates the course of the proceedings with the taking of evidence and alternatively an amicable settlement before a civil court. Subtitled in seven languages, it describes the principles of proceedings under German procedural law, the judicial negotiations and the actions of lawyers in court.
For more information please contact Angela Schmeink:
IRZ-Film „Comparative Law“
Judges in South-East Europe are often concerned that they may appear biased if they openly discuss the factual and legal situation with the parties and their representatives. IRZ produced an educational film for the partner states in South-East Europe, which can be shown in future to stimulate discussions at basic and further training events and to provide valuable suggestions from German legal practice to a much larger audience.
Contact Stefan Pürner if you require further information: