Training of the Correctional Facility-Teams in Vanadzor (part 2)

Workshop on practical issues in the penitentiary system for employees at the Vanadzor Correctional Facility (left to right): Artzrun Petrosyan, Deputy Director of the Vanadzor Correctional Facility, Senior Government Director, Thomas Müller, Director of the Karlsruhe Correctional Facility, Senior Official Heiko Oberle, Administrative Director at the Mannheim Correctional Facility, Manuk Poghosyan, Director of the Vanadzor Correctional Facility, and Amalia Wuckert, Project Manager, IRZ.
Workshop on practical issues in the penitentiary system for employees at the Vanadzor Correctional Facility (left to right): Artzrun Petrosyan, Deputy Director of the Vanadzor Correctional Facility, Senior Government Director, Thomas Müller, Director of the Karlsruhe Correctional Facility, Senior Official Heiko Oberle, Administrative Director at the Mannheim Correctional Facility, Manuk Poghosyan, Director of the Vanadzor Correctional Facility, and Amalia Wuckert, Project Manager, IRZ.

IRZ has been carrying out various measures in Armenia over the past few years as part of the conversion of the existing penal system into a rehabilitation plan system. The focus is on advising the Armenian government, and providing training to the staff at several correctional facilities.

In this context, IRZ held a second workshop on 2-3 May 2023, which was aimed at the team at the Vanadzor Correctional Facility. This measure is a continuation of the workshop that the IRZ held on 24-26 November 2022 and is the third event to train the staff at the Vanadzor Correctional Facility.

Approx. 20 participants attended the latest training session, including the psychologist, the social worker and the employees of the Operational Security Department and the new Director of the Vanadzor Correctional Facility, Manuk Poghosyan and his Deputy, Artzrun Petrosyan.

The most important topics and focal points of the discussion were:

  • Determination of measures for resocialisation
  • Work of the Commission to evaluate the resocialisation work to be implemented
  • Potential treatment measures
  • Work of the inmates as a resocialisation measure
  • Recreational activities for inmates
  • Prognostic criteria of the Commission for the Evaluation of Resocialisation Work to be submitted to the court with recommendations for the conditional release of prisoners and the Admission Committee.

The project was led by IRZ experts Thomas Müller, Senior Government Director and Director of the Karlsruhe Correctional Facility who, along with other colleagues, has acted as an advisor to the penitentiary system for many years. The second expert at this event was Senior Official Heiko Oberle, Administrative Director at the Mannheim Correctional Facility.

The participants took an active part in the lively talks, and criticism and problems relating to the implementation of the reforms were also discussed. Positive changes have already been observed since the beginning of the measure in April 2022, due to the willingness to reform and the commitment of the staff at the Vanadzor Correctional Facility.