Uzbekistan - annual report 2013

Conference on social legislation in Tashkent

Conference on social legislation in Tashkent

General – Conceptual orientation

Legal policy starting point

Large numbers of reform processes are continuing to be launched in Uzbekistan in the legal field. For this reason, the expert dialogue with the Uzbek partners focuses on rule-of-law topics, on effective legal protection as well as on well-functioning administrative and judicial structures, and above all on human rights issues. Uzbekistan is endeavouring to consolidate cooperation with international partners. Germany is one of the most important partners of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the EU, and this expresses itself in the large numbers of cooperation projects in the legal and commercials fields. In the implementation of the EU Strategy for Central Asia, Uzbekistan takes on a major role in the region. Germany continues to be in favour of the continuation of a critical dialogue with the objective of continuing sustainable democratic change and improving the human rights situation. A contribution is made by the EU project entitled "Support to Criminal Judicial Reforms", a complex project to modernise the administration of criminal law which has been implemented with other European consortium partners under the leadership of the IRZ since 2011.

Cooperation to date

The IRZ continued the successful cooperation with the Ministry of Justice in 2013, intensified the contacts with the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President. The topics of the notary system and court experts' report-writing were dealt with in some depth by intensively discussing issues arising in practice at the relevant events. The Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President, which has been operating since 2005, sees itself as a research facility, and is responsible for the evaluation of the reform projects and for drawing up legal reports for all bodies, ministries and judicial institutions in Uzbekistan which are involved in legislation. Closer cooperation has therefore helped specifically turn attention towards dealing with academic aspects, as well as towards the interplay between various players in order to ensure the quality of legislation and the effectiveness of the judiciary. A "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation" was signed in July 2013 between the IRZ and the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President, which will form the basis for the future systematised, comprehensive legal exchange in the judicial field and in the court system, with the involvement of Parliament, Academia and training facilities.

Major partners

  • Ministry of Justice
  • Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President

Strategy and method

The IRZ will continue to support Uzbekistan on its ambitious path towards the rule of law and democracy as well as in the implementation of international legal standards with the objective of providing sustainable consultation, in particular in the reform of statutes. The interest in legal consultation by German experts and in a practical exchange pertains uninterrupted, so that the IRZ is following on from the results that have been achieved here and is continuing the trust-based modus operandi with the previous partners.

Foci of activity in 2013

Administration of justice

  • Study visit on the topic of "Academic research in the field of legislation" to Berlin and Munich with representatives of the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation
  • Two-day seminar on the topic of the law on public notaries and on registers in Tashkent and Samarkand with the support of the notaries department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Public law

  • Seminar on the topic of "Completion of legislation: German and foreign experience" for representatives of various Uzbek institutions dealing with social law issues, in Tashkent

Criminal law and the law on the prison system

  • EU project "Support to Criminal Judicial Reforms"
  • Two-day international conference "Current developments in court expert report-writing: German and Uzbek experience", together with the Sulaimanova Centre for Court Reports at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent


The IRZ will coordinate the strategic foci for the joint measures in concord with the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation under the President. The existing cooperation with the Ministry of Justice will be incorporated into this structure. The IRZ will focus on the quality of legislation and expand consultation in this field. Furthermore, it will include current topics, such as the law on investment protection and judicial basic and further training. Moreover, German experts are to help draft the new provisions on administrative procedure. The IRZ will make the results of the legal dialogue accessible to a broader public through publications and a specialist journal.