The promotion of investment: a delegation of the Zambian Ministry of Justice in Berlin

“Strengthening the legal framework to promote investments” was the focus of a visit of a delegation from the Zambian Ministry of Justice led by the Zambian Solicitor General, Marshal Muchende, which was hosted by the IRZ Africa project area in Berlin on 20-21 September 2023.
The employees of the Zambian Ministry of Justice, the Zambia Law Development Commission, the Zambian Bar Association and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - Zambia Branch met various representatives of the judiciary in Berlin. The talks on issues around commercial law were held with several departments of the Federal Ministry of Justice, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber for Commercial Matters at the Berlin Regional Court, the Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection of the State of Berlin and the Federal Bar Association, and discussions also explored the options of the legal framework conditions and reforms to promote investments, the design of commercial jurisdiction and the strengthening of alternative dispute resolution.
Zambia became a new partner state of the IRZ in 2023.