Bosnia and Herzegovina: EU 4 Police Assistance

EU Grant Contract
September 2024 – März 2029
Lead: CILC (NL), junior consortium partners: IRZ, FIIAPP, Civipol, CPMA
Budget: 10 Mio. Euro
Resopnsible at the IRZ: Nathalie Herbeck, Anastasia Schmieder

The beneficiary institution of the ‘EU 4 Police Assistance’ project is the Ministry of Security and Police. The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of the institutions involved in the fight against cross-border organised crime, corruption, drugs, money laundering, cybercrime, human trafficking, terrorism, radicalisation, violent extremism and corruption. In addition, better cooperation between the institutions is to be ensured. It also aims to optimise data collection and data exchange in line with EU standards and best practices. Last but not least, the project seeks to improve governance standards, ensure stability and progress towards EU membership, better identify and respond to threats, and strengthen capacities to prevent and combat crime.